Friday, September 9, 2011

chapter 2 part 1

As you might be wondering, how did Vincent meet the mysterious XQUEENXOFXALLXGOTHSX? Well, to answer that question, I must tell you Vincent’s past. I know, it maybe long, tedious, and boring, but in a way, it might be crucial later on as this story progresses. I would just jump into the story, the intro isn't really neccissary.

Vincent GesuDio’s earliest memory happened when he was only three years old. He could not remember anything else that had happened before hand, though he wished that he could remember events prior to this. The memory was of his late father. His father was a chronic alcoholic and when Vincent was three, he started to realize how it would destroy his family.

While Vincent made people assume that his home life was nice and good [find synonyms], in reality, it was not. Vincent’s family was starting to separate at the seams because of his father. One of the best examples was on Christmas Day. His father, drunk, took the family car and drove away. The police found him, but to what ^the news they delivered, the family would never expect. To this day, Vincent can remember all of the details of what had happen.
A bang.[not nessisarry] A huge bang on the wooden door at the front of the house. A tired woman by the name of Veronica (mom) ^ vincents mother veronica walked to the front door, pushing back the huge, gray cat. Behind the door, was a buffed and tall ^tall, butff police officer.
“Veronica GesuDio?” he asked, uncertainly.
“My name is Lieutenant Nick Keitel. May I come in?”
“Have you found my husband?” she asked hopefully. The police officer just shacked [shook?] his head and pulled out a piece of paper.
“May I come in?”
“Oh, yes, please.” she said hopefully as she lead him into Vincent’s office. Once in there, [maybe explain where the coffee came from?] she pulled out two cups of coffee and they started talking.
“The good news is that we found him. But before we go on, you need to see this photo.” Handing her the photo, she just screamed and started to cry in pure, agonizing shock. The photo showed Vincent’s father but crushed up and with some heavy skin damage done, especially where the leg was, revealing the metal archetype that had been replaced. “Right now, he is being held in the state’s prison hospital.”
“Prison hospital?!” Veronica said.
“Yes, prison.” Lieutenant Cage [name change?]said with a heavy sigh. “You see, Mrs. GesuDio, when he was found, the car he was driving was destroyed. It is a miracle that he is still living. But, when we cleaned up the scene, we found the corpses of a child. When he gets out of the hospital, he will be sent to court where he will await trail. But, right now, I need you to come down town to fill out some paper work. Bring your kids.” When she went to get Vincent, he told her he did not want to go. The officer did tell told him it will be awhile until she comes back, but even with that, he still said no make its it's own sentence with different wording please. When they left, Vincent did not wake up. [add to next paragraph & what about the trial?] When he awoken much later, he saw the ridiculously mangled body of his father in the guest room, with a police tracker on his ankle.
Because Vincent had rich grandparents, they were able to bail out his father, and, it was a good and bad thing. It was a good thing because his father started developing cancer ^how is this a good thing? in his back, legs, heart, and head. It was bad because he started getting addicted to pain killers and more drugs like alcohol wasn't he already an alcoholic? and Morphine. It was ^also bad because during the that time, Vincent’s family started falling behind on bill payments, loans, and taxes. Sadly, they had no money to pay off these debts because every time they did, his father would spend the money on drugs. And, over time, the ???

His mother on the other hand, was on her own, ^and right, too informal not in good condition. Due to the fact that she was in pain, she decided to lock herself up in her bedroom during this time. Sense Since {sense is as in the five senses]Vincent did not want to be around the depressing state of his father, his father in such a depressing state, so he decided to be around his mother and threw through her he started to learn more about why his father is an alcoholic and why he can't be helped, and to top it all off he was only in the forth grade All of that was in the fourth grade.

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