Saturday, September 10, 2011

chapter two part two

In fifth grade, Vincent was feeling his worst. Because he still had the ingrown toe nails, people exercise with ingrown toe nails all the time sweets. he could not exercise and as such, became overweight. Then because of his father, how did his father cause this? he had no friends and everyone hated him because he grew to become antisocial and he ended up becoming some what of an outcastrun on sentence. Because he had no friends, he turned toward the internet for help. There he found XQUEENXOFXALLXGOTHSX. She understood him, and tried to help him, and what came out was a friendship like no other.
When Vincent’s family decided to move, his father said that he did not want to go with them, because he knew he was in a bad state of mind and did not want Vincent to see his down fall and everyone knew that he was dieingdying.
After the fifth grade, things started to look up. But only for a while. The middle school in which he went to was better then elementary school in a way that the teachers accepted him more. But that was the only good thing that had happened to him. Most of the time he was by himself, wishing that he could escape the world God had putted him put him in. One of the most important examples was the P.E. coaches. There were four of them and they tortured him to no end all the time. First example was the fact that he could not run. And because of that, they continuously kept on failing failed him. Kids made fun of him because he was over weight, and they started stealing his possessions and destroying anything he owned.
Then, toward the end of the year, two shocking things happened that changed him forever. First had to do with what this kid done did to him. What he done was this., he wanted to know if Vincent was a male or female. So to find out, he punched him in the testicle. Because of that, the kid was suspended for the remainder of the school year. This changed every chance he had ever gotten had to having getting friends. Sense since there were no witnesses to the event, everyone believed Vincent made it up just for attention. The second event was much worse.
combine to last paragraph One week before the last week of school, two weeks before school ended, Vincent got some of the worst news in the world his life. He still remembers the events as if they had just happened: you use this type of saying twice change one of them please?

Walking up the bleachers during the last school fellowship was he going to a catholic school and if so say it somewhere before this. was The Assistant Principal of Discipline. She eyed Vincent. She singled signaled him to come down. When he did, she motioned he is already up to her so have her tell him maybe. him to follow her out of the auditoriumthere are bleacher in the auditorium?.
“You need to go and get all of your things.” She said with a grim attitude. He went to his language arts room to retrieved verb predicate agreement is incorrect.all of his belongings. There were few things for him to get;, mostly books. He followed her toward the front hall. Out side was one of the counselors.
“Vincent!” she called him how did she call him? excaited, worried, strict?to come and see her. When he walked into her office, his mom was there. ‘What know now?’ he thought as he sat down. In her office was the other principals staff members, there's only a principal and a vice principal. and counselors.
“Mom, what is going on?” he looked into her eyes and could see tears streaming down her face.
“Vincent,” his mothers voice cracked and sounded distraught sound crack and distraught. “I was about to order our plane tickets to see your father in Memphis, but before I did, I had this weird feeling. So I called your father to see if he was alright. But when I called, move it to after 'the hotel' the hotel theychecked his room.” she took a long pause. “When they came back they told me he was… dead.” At that moment, Vincent’s entire world fell to pieces. He started crying, slamming his wrist why not his arm? and why where all the peoples there for this? against the table, yelling at the top of his lungs. The principals decide to let the Gesudio family a week off to mourn over Vincent’s father’s death.
While at inMemphis, they found out that Vincent’s father had a life insurance policy on him maybe say how much it was worth?. With the money, it was instructed that they were to move out of there apartment and move somewhere else. It took three years of planning, but they s found there destination: Colorado. Vincent’s mother had always loved Colorado, so they decide to move there. Which leads use usto present day.

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